Schadenfreude is a German-origin term defined by the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary as a feeling of pleasure at the bad things that happen to other people. Schadenfreude是一个源于德语的词汇,根据《牛津高阶英语词典》,它的意思是对他人遇上坏事感到的一种愉悦。
Assumption on the Compilation of a Simple Monolingual Learner's Dictionary of Chinese as a Foreign Language 编纂简明汉语单语系列学习词典的构想
For learner's dictionary making, there are some implications from grammaticalization of preposition. 语法化理论中的介词语法化对英语学习词典中的介词编纂有重要的启示。
English learner's dictionary has been a necessary learning tool for English learners in China. 英语学习词典目前已成为中国英语学习者必备的学习辅助工具书。
Conception and Implementation of CD-ROM Learner's English-Chinese Association Dictionary A Comparative Study of the Key Words in the Two Editions of Longman Language Activator 学习型英汉光盘联想词典的构思与实现《朗文英语联想活用词典》两版间关键词对比分析
A learner's dictionary should give both the meanings of words and examples of the constructions in which they are used. 一本学生词典应该既提供词语的含义,又举出应用这些词语的例子。
Terminological, learner's dictionary is an important component of basic resource for terminological training. 术语学习词典是术语教育基础资源的重要组成部分。
If you want to know how a word is used, look the word up in the Advanced Learner's Dictionary. 要想了解某词的用法,查《进修词典》。
This situation calls for a new ( sub) type of learner's dictionary designed for EFL/ ESL learners to enhance the cognitive effect of English language learning. 这种形势需要为外语和二语学习者设计一种新型的学习词典以加强英语学习的认知效果。
How can the mechanism of human cognition in word processing be applied to vocabulary acquisition in learner's dictionary? 怎样将人类在文字处理方面的认知机制应用于学习词典的词汇习得上?
Objectives for Bilingual Learner's Dictionary 双语学习词典的内向和外向
An Empirical Study of Dictionary Use by Chinese EFL Learners in Chinese-English Translation: Towards a Model of Collegiate Chinese-English Learner's Dictionary 中国英语学生在汉译英过程中使用词典的实证研究:大学汉英学习词典模式的构建
Among various dictionaries, bilingual learner's dictionary is more generally employed in the initial stages of learning a language. 在各种各样的词典中,双语学习词典在语言学习,特别在其初级阶段起着重大作用。
A survey of English learner's dictionary use among the non-English majors in rural minorities area 民族边远地区非英语专业学生英语学习词典的使用情况调查
The cognitive learner's dictionary is an innovative change from traditional learner's dictionaries in that it aims at helping non-native learners with language learning especially vocabulary acquisition. 认知性学习词典是同传统学习词典的一次变革,因为它旨在帮助非本族学习者学习语言尤其是习得词汇。